Dear Phantus,

Sorry for this belated reply. I had, as you requested, to consult colleagues and students to be able to give you reasonable feedback on the workshop that took place on 28th and 29th March, 2011.

Generally, it was observed that the workshop was timely and enabled students to:
– express themselves orally and therefore sharpen their oral skills in French as a foreign language;
– develop a sense of satisfaction and feel motivated owing to the fact that they were able to effectively use a foreign language in various activities;
– get to know and interact with students from a sister university, Masinde Muliro University of Science & Technology, which is actually healthy and should be encouraged;
– have confidence in themselves as they used a foreign language;
– engage in activities that tapped their creativity (in a foreign language).

However, colleagues noted that seemingly insufficient time was allocated to some activities that were deemed to be crucial to the sharpening of oral skills in French as a foreign language, especially those that involved interactions between students.

All in all, colleagues and students commended Mr. Philippe Guinet of «the Passeurs de Mots» for a job well done and found the workshop, the first of its kind in Maseno University, relevant and worthwhile.

On behalf of the Department of Linguistics, Languages & Literature (French Section) – Maseno University, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Prof. Frey and his team for having made the workshop a reality and especially for having made arrangements for it to be held in our institution. It is our wish and prayer that more workshops be organized and held in Maseno University, courtesy of the French Embassy, if possible on a yearly basis.

Thank you very much.

Lester Jao.
Coordinator, French Section (Department of Linguistics, Languages & Literature – Maseno University).